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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Surgical critical care and emergency surgery clinical (Q&As) PDF with you, here are a few important details like cover picture, description, key features, overview regarding this book which you might be interested.
Here’s the cover image preview of Surgical critical care and emergency surgery clinical (Q&As) PDF:
Surgical critical care and emergency surgery clinical (Q&As) PDF is one of the best book available currently. This book is specially good for your exam preparation. It can also cover your viva and Ospe questions and will help you to score maximum in your medical exams. This is a comprehensive, one-of-a-kind question-and-answer text for medical professionals and apprentices concentrating on the growing subspecialty of surgery in critical care and emergency surgery. Covering all surgical aspects of critical care and acute or emergency surgery, it is an ideal learning and review text for surgical residents and trainees who care for these patients and those taking the Surgical Critical Care Board Examination.
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Key Features of Surgical critical care and emergency surgery clinical (Q&As) PDF
Below are some of the key features of Surgical critical care and emergency surgery clinical (Q&As) PDF:
Surgical critical care and emergency surgery is a unique question-and-answer book for surgical residents and trainees, concentrating on the growing subspecialty of surgery in critical care and emergency surgery. This book covers all surgical aspects of critical care and acute or emergency surgery, making it an ideal learning and review text for surgical trainees and those professionals specializing in these fields
Table of Contents:
- Part One Surgical Critical Care
- Part Two Emergency Surgery
Part One Surgical Critical Care 1
1 Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physiology 3
Marcin Jankowski, DO and Frederick Giberson, MD
2 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Oxygen Delivery, and Shock 15
Filip Moshkovsky, DO, Luis Cardenas, DO and Mark Cipolle, MD
3 ECMO 23
Andy Michaels, MD
4 Arrhythmias, Acute Coronary Syndromes, and Hypertensive Emergencies 33
Rondi Gelbard, MD and Omar K. Danner, MD
5 Sepsis and the Inflammatory Response to Injury 51
Juan C. Duchesne, MD and Marquinn D. Duke, MD
6 Hemodynamic and Respiratory Monitoring 59
Stephen M. Welch, DO, Christopher S. Nelson, MD and Stephen L. Barnes, MD
7 Airway and Perioperative Management 69
Stephen M. Welch, DO, Jeffrey P. Coughenour, MD and Stephen L. Barnes, MD
8 Acute Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation 79
Adrian A. Maung, MD and Lewis J. Kaplan, MD
9 Infectious Disease 89
Yousef Abuhakmeh, DO, John Watt, MD and Courtney McKinney, PharmD
10 Pharmacology and Antibiotics 97
Michelle Strong, MD and CPT Clay M. Merritt, DO
11 Transfusion, Hemostasis, and Coagulation 109
Erin Palm, MD and Kenji Inaba, MD
12 Analgesia and Anesthesia 121
Marquinn D. Duke, MD and Juan C. Duchesne, MD
vi Contents
13 Delirium, Alcohol Withdrawal, and Psychiatric Disorders 129
Peter Bendix, MD and Ali Salim, MD
14 Acid‐Base, Fluid, and Electrolytes 135
Joshua Dilday, DO, Asser Youssef, MD and Nicholas Thiessen, MD
15 Metabolic Illness and Endocrinopathies 145
Andrew J. Young, MD and Therese M. Duane, MD
16 Hypothermia and Hyperthermia 153
Raquel M. Forsythe, MD
17 Acute Kidney Injury 159
Remigio J. Flor, MD, Keneeshia N. Williams, MD and Terence O’Keeffe, MD
18 Liver Failure 169
Muhammad Numan Khan, MD and Bellal Joseph, MD
19 Nutrition Support in Critically Ill Patients 177
Rifat Latifi, MD and Jorge Con, MD
20 Neurocritical Care 189
Herb A. Phelan, MD
21 Thromboembolism 199
Herb A. Phelan, MD
22 Transplantation, Immunology, and Cell Biology 209
Leslie Kobayashi, MD and Emily Cantrell, MD
23 Obstetric Critical Care 219
Gerard J. Fulda, MD and Anthony Sciscione, MD
24 Pediatric Critical Care 227
Erin M. Garvey, MD and J. Craig Egan, MD
25 Envenomations, Poisonings, and Toxicology 239
Michelle Strong, MD
26 Common Procedures in the ICU 253
Joanelle A. Bailey, MD and Adam D. Fox, DO
27 Diagnostic Imaging, Ultrasound, and Interventional Radiology 261
Keneeshia N. Williams, MD, Remigio J. flor, MD and Terence O’Keeffe, MD
Part Two Emergency Surgery 273
28 Neurotrauma 275
Faisal Shah Jehan, MD and Bellal Joseph, MD
29 Blunt and Penetrating Neck Trauma 287
Leslie Kobayashi, MD and Barret Halgas, MD
Contents vii
30 Cardiothoracic and Thoracic Vascular Injury 299
Leslie Kobayashi, MD and Amelia Simpson, MD
31 Abdominal and Abdominal Vascular Injury 307
Leslie Kobayashi, MD and Michelle G. Hamel, MD
32 Orthopedic and Hand Trauma 317
Brett D. Crist, MD and Gregory J. Della Rocca, MD
33 Peripheral Vascular Trauma 327
Amy V. Gore, MD and Adam D. Fox, DO
34 Urologic Trauma and Disorders 337
Jeremy Juern, MD and Daniel Roubik, MD
35 Care of the Pregnant Trauma Patient 345
Ashley McCusker, MD and Terence O’Keeffe, MD
36 Esophagus, Stomach, and Duodenum 359
Matthew B. Singer, MD and Andrew Tang, MD
37 Small Intestine, Appendix, and Colorectal 371
Vishal Bansal, MD and Jay J. Doucet, MD
38 Gallbladder and Pancreas 385
Matthew B. Singer, MD and Andrew Tang, MD
39 Liver and Spleen 393
Cathy Ho, MD and Narong Kulvatunyou, MD
40 Incarcerated Hernias 403
Cathy Ho, MD and Narong Kulvatunyou, MD
41 Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections and Other Soft Tissue Infections 409
Jacob Swann, MD and LTC Joseph J. DuBose, MD
42 Obesity and Bariatric Surgery 415
Gregory Peirce, MD and LTC Eric Ahnfeldt, DO
43 Thermal Burns, Electrical Burns, Chemical Burns, Inhalational Injury, and Lightning Injuries 423
Joseph J. DuBose, MD and Jacob Swann, MD
44 Gynecologic Surgery 431
K. Aviva Bashan‐Gilzenrat, MD
45 Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 439
Jonathan Nguyen, DO and Bryan C. Morse, MS, MD
46 Pediatric Surgery 453
Matthew Martin, MD, Aaron Cunningham, MD and Mubeen Jafri, MD
47 Geriatrics 465
K. Aviva Bashan‐Gilzenrat, MD and Bryan Morse, MS, MD
viii Contents
48 Telemedicine and Telepresence for Surgery and Trauma 477
Kalterina Latifi, MS and Rifat Latifi, MD
49 Statistics 483
Alan Cook, MD
50 Ethics, End‐of‐Life, and Organ Retrieval 491
Allyson Cook, MD and Lewis J. Kaplan, MD
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